Europa-Park Smart Watch Experience

When the Apple Watch Series 3 was released in 2017, its new functionalities inspired me to develop a project that would offer users a better 'phone-free' park experience. This case study presents a brand new amusement park service that utilizes the smartwatch.

A concept module called 'Watch out' introduces three new features during your visit: real-time direction navigation, heart rate tracking and challenge, and notification on the watch.

The smaller screen of a smartwatch shouldn't compromise information, and with the compass function, finding the right direction is easier than ever.

Additionally, the app can monitor your excitement level during a ride using the heart rate tracking function. Hop on a ride and see if you're chill enough!

Thanks to cross-platform synchronization, you can curate a list on your phone and check it out on your watch, with essential information such as distance and waiting time. You've got it all covered!

Never miss a moment again! With watch notifications, you won't have to worry about losing your phone on a roller coaster.


Gamification features are added to the service to motivate users to complete achievements. Gotta catch 'em all!

Photos: Europ Park, Service concept, Art Direction, UI & UX, motion graphic production: Ziqi Hu